Whole30 diet is essentially an elimination diet, that recommends avoiding certain food groups from your diet such as sugar, grains, and dairy, to get a better idea if they are negatively impacting your health. According to the Whole30's website, by eliminating "blood-sugar disrupting, gut-damaging, inflammatory food groups" for 30 days, your body can heal and recover from whatever bad effects those food groups might have on you, such as chronic pain or low energy levels. Once the 30 days are up, individuals are encouraged to use a long-term Whole30meal plan and buy whole30 approved juices and other food items from reputed online stores. According to Whole30 co-founder Melissa Hartwig, initially the Whole30 idea was not designed as a weight-loss plan interestingly, Hartwig calls it the "anti-diet" plan, reason being, it does not account for counting, tracking, or restricting calories. The diet also urges you not to step on the weighing machine for30 day...